Church of the Gesu
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Four-Manuals – 115 ranks
W.W. Kimball 1899 (moved to Milwaukee in 1904)
Kilgen Organ Company (1955)
Schantz Organ Company (2011)
The original Kimball instrument (c. 50 ranks) was built in about 1899 for the Studebaker Theatre in Chicago. It was moved to the Church of the Gesu in 1908. In 1955 the organ was rebuilt and enlarged by the Kilgen Company of St. Louis. Most of the Kimball organ was incorporated into the new and substantially larger Kilgen instrument.
In 2011 the Schantz Organ Company completed a complete renovation of the organ retaining approximately 50 ranks from the previous Kimball and Kilgen instruments as well as ranks from other sources.